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Looking for a certification that demonstrates your project management skills and experience? Sign up for PMP Certification Training!

If you've come all the way here, you already know what the PMP exam requires, and we hope you've made sure you're eligible. Additionally, we will give you some advice on how to start preparing for the PMP exam.
The number of PMP certification holders is increasing rapidly. This means competition is fierce and you must master the entire PMP program with the right amount of effort, commitment and guidance. To help achieve PMP certification, we offer a step-by-step strategy.
Before starting your preparations, have a thorough understanding of the subject material you intend to cover. Examine all charts, graphs and headings in the PMBOK Guide and other test prep materials. Get familiar with the areas you want to cover, as it will give you a better grasp of where to find them in the book. This will make initial research and last-minute review easier. Starting with this type of research will also make it easier for you to organize the information in your mind systematically and logically.
Discover your motivation and start with the topics that interest you most to keep you motivated throughout the day. Plan ahead before you start your day. Plan your schedule and determine what you want to learn from the study material you set. Start by researching your goals or reviewing the questions in the study material so you know what your goals are, where you are going and what you need to accomplish by the end of the day.
Before starting your preparations, have a thorough understanding of the subject material you intend to cover. Start your daily study by making a list of questions you should be able to answer by the end of the day. Starting with this type of research will also make it easier for you to organize the information in your mind systematically and logically.
break down
Break down your study plan for the day, based on cognitive psychology research. According to the study, the beginning and end of a study session are the most memorable. Take advantage of this approach by breaking your study time into smaller chunks. For example, if your total study time is five hours, divide it into six 45-minute sessions with short breaks in between. This will help you review what you learned before the break and help you quickly master the next topic.
Start your preparation here - sign up for the Introduction to Project Management course!
Here, we will provide you with the most widely used PMP exam preparation tips:
Using the PMBOK® guide is your main weapon in the PMP exam battlefield, because the exam is mostly based on PMBOK®. guide. Think of this guide as your roadmap to prepare for the PMP exam. Plan to study one topic/knowledge area in PMBOK®; followed by other material. This will help you cover each topic thoroughly. You'll also avoid studying repetitive topics, as other material often repeats information from different angles.
Use the PMBOK® guide to set your daily and weekly goals. Divide the knowledge areas of the PMBOK®; guide study one section per day. Just remembering everything is not enough. Make an effort to understand and relate topics, and study them with undivided attention. This is critical because the PMP® exam questions will assess your ability to apply these concepts, principles and ideas. Many questions are based on real-time questions. The Project Management Expertise® Guide equips you with enough knowledge to come up with the best answers.
Read each topic at least three times, pausing after completing a portion of the PMBOK®. Guide before revisiting it. This will help you understand and remember concepts better. To learn about all the knowledge areas, processes, concepts and industry best practices involved in becoming a PMP, use the latest edition (7th edition) of the PMBOK®. Also, make sure you are aware of the changes made to the new edition of the 6th edition of the PMBOK®. guide.
Choosing the Best PMP® Prep Book